TWIST is a business Cluster active in 3 markets : Cinema/TV/Animation market, Broadcast technologies market and multimedia market (interactive medias, video games, transmedia, web, mobile, social networks).
This cluster of Excellence brings together private companies, universities, colleges, research centers and public authorities operating in the field of audiovisual digital technologies and multimedia in Belgium
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Proximus “empowers everybody to thrive in a digital world, so we can improve our shared well-being”. Our brand promise “Think possible” captures that mission.
Our company is at the forefront of the Extended Reality (XR) revolution, offering a groundbreaking platform and content creation that seamlessly blends digital and physical experiences across various domains, including...
The Agence du Numérique (AdN) is a subsidiary of the Agence pour l’Entreprise & l’Innovation (AEI).
IMPS is the official licensors of the little blue-skinned characters, ‘The Smurfs’....