TWIST is a business Cluster active in 3 markets : Cinema/TV/Animation market, Broadcast technologies market and multimedia market (interactive medias, video games, transmedia, web, mobile, social networks).
This cluster of Excellence brings together private companies, universities, colleges, research centers and public authorities operating in the field of audiovisual digital technologies and multimedia in Belgium
TWIST gathers actors from the industry of film technology and television, whichever service providers and/or creators of innovative technologies.
Visit our catalog online to identify your partners. Your search can be done by keyword or according to your profile and/or needs.
Walloon scout location offices are designed to accommodate film and television productions in the field, through various services. The Walloon region is covered by three offices
Wallimage SA is an economical fund wich supports audiovisual works and audiovisual service companies.
Babel Subtitling offers services in sub/surtitling to producers, programmers, organizers and for entertainment halls.
TECHNIFUTUR® is a competence centre that develops and offers training to employees, job seekers, teachers and students