TWIST is a business Cluster active in 3 markets : Cinema/TV/Animation market, Broadcast technologies market and multimedia market (interactive medias, video games, transmedia, web, mobile, social networks).

This cluster of Excellence brings together private companies, universities, colleges, research centers and public authorities operating in the field of audiovisual digital technologies and multimedia in Belgium.

Your are :

  • Marketing director
  • Communication director
  • Event or communication specialist
  • Video games producer
  • Audiovisual and/or multimedia content producer
  • Looking for the latest innovations in terms of interactivity, technological mobile solutions, digital game and others ;
  • Looking for R&D partners
  • A la recherche de Partenaires R&D

Then quit looking for partners, find them here !

Check out our online catalogue. Your search can be done by keyword or according to your profile and/or needs.

Check out our Transmedia made in Wallonia catalog.

71 members in this market

D.O. Design
Babel Subtitling
Wall on Media
Acapela Group
See all members of the market “Rich Media”

Find us

Val Benoît - Quai Banning, 6
4000 Liège

Tel : +32 (0)4/349 12 49

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